秘宝猎人 | Treasure Hunter

寒霜启示录超值活动 - 秘宝猎人

Whiteout Survival Deals - Treasure Hunter


The activity lasts for 3 days.

说明 | Overview


During the event, you can use Pickaxes to Crush the ice for the treasures sealed within.


Before you start exploring each floor, you can select a reward as the Ultimate Treasure for that floor. You can advance to the next floor after finding the Ultimate Treasure.


You can change the Ultimate Treasure before it is found without affecting the progress of your search.


There are more bountiful rewards in [Supreme Chambers](room numbers of the multiples of 5).


The more times you search for the Ultimate Treasure, the higher the chance of finding it as you become more familiar with the chamber layout. Please see the chances of treasures for more details.

【概率详情 | Chances of Contents】


The chambers are divided into Common Chambers and Supreme Chambers. Supreme Chambers, which contain more treasures, have room numbers of the multiples of 5.


The more times you search for the Ultimate Treasure, the higher the chance of finding it as you become more familiar with the chamber layout. Ultimate Treasure has an initial weight of 2. At the 7th search on a floor, the weight will increase to 5. At your 13th search, the weight will increase to 10. At youre 19th search, the weight will increase to 20. The weight will be reset when you advance to the next floor.


You will be guaranteed the Ultimate Treasure after searching for certain times on the same floor.


The treasure types and the chances of finding them are as floolows:

普通密室 | Common Chamber
Ultimate Treasure(choose any one)
奖励内容 | Rewards
1.英雄装备幸运宝箱 | Lucky Hero Gear Chest ×12 2
2.领主装备材料随机宝箱 | Chief Gear Variety Chest ×7 2
3.领主宝石材料随机宝箱 | Random Chief Charm Material Chest ×7 2
4.1小时通用加速 | 1h General Speedup ×25 2
5.宠物口粮 | Pet Food ×8000 2
·其他奖励 | Other Rewards
奖励内容 | Rewards
100点强化经验零件 | 100 Enhancement XP Component ×1 10
100点强化经验零件 | 100 Enhancement XP Component ×1 10
5K英雄经验 | Hero XP ×1 10
5K英雄经验 | Hero XP ×1 10
100钻石 | Gems ×1 10
100钻石 | Gems ×1 10
10K生肉 | Meat ×20 10
10K木材 | Wood ×20 10
10K煤矿 | Coal ×4 10
10K铁矿 | Iron ×1 10
钢材 | Steel ×200 10
10K生肉 | Meat ×20 10
10K木材 | Wood ×20 10
10K煤矿 | Coal ×4 10
10K铁矿 | Iron ×1 10
钢材 | Steel ×200 10
5分钟通用加速 | 5m General Speedup ×1 10
5分钟建造加速 | 5m Construction Speedup ×1 10
5分钟研究加速 | 5m Research Speedup ×1 10
5分钟训练加速 | 5m Training Speedup×1 10
5分钟通用加速 | 5m General Speedup ×1 10
5分钟建造加速 | 5m Construction Speedup ×1 10
5分钟研究加速 | 5m Research Speedup ×1 10
5分钟训练加速 | 5m Training Speedup×1 10

珍宝密室 | Supreme Chamber
Ultimate Treasure(choose any one)
奖励内容 | Rewards
1.英雄装备幸运宝箱 | Lucky Hero Gear Chest ×24 2
2.领主装备材料随机宝箱 | Chief Gear Variety Chest ×14 2
3.领主宝石材料随机宝箱 | Random Chief Charm Material Chest ×14 2
4.1小时通用加速 | 1h General Speedup ×50 2
5.宠物口粮 | Pet Food ×16K 2
·其他奖励 | Other Rewards
奖励内容 | Rewards
100点强化经验零件 | 100 Enhancement XP Component ×1 10
100点强化经验零件 | 100 Enhancement XP Component ×1 10
5K英雄经验 | Hero XP ×1 10
5K英雄经验 | Hero XP ×1 10
100钻石 | Gems ×1 10
100钻石 | Gems ×1 10
10K生肉 | Meat ×20 10
10K木材 | Wood ×20 10
10K煤矿 | Coal ×4 10
10K铁矿 | Iron ×1 10
钢材 | Steel ×200 10
10K生肉 | Meat ×20 10
10K木材 | Wood ×20 10
10K煤矿 | Coal ×4 10
10K铁矿 | Iron ×1 10
钢材 | Steel ×200 10
5分钟通用加速 | 5m General Speedup ×1 10
5分钟建造加速 | 5m Construction Speedup ×1 10
5分钟研究加速 | 5m Research Speedup ×1 10
5分钟训练加速 | 5m Training Speedup×1 10
5分钟通用加速 | 5m General Speedup ×1 10
5分钟建造加速 | 5m Construction Speedup ×1 10
5分钟研究加速 | 5m Research Speedup ×1 10
5分钟训练加速 | 5m Training Speedup×1 10

秘宝任务 | Treasure Mission】24小时刷新 | 24h Refreshes


Pickaxe: A sturdy pickaxe. The perfect tool for treasure hunt.

1.发起集结猎杀1只冰原巨兽:铁镐 | Pickaxe ×5;

Call rally and hunt down 1 Polar Terror(s)

2.完成联盟捐献5次:铁镐 | Pickaxe ×5;

Make 5 Alliance Contribution(s)

3.通过训练/晋升士兵提升30,000点实力:铁镐 | Pickaxe ×6;

Raise 30,000 Power by training/promoting troops


Make any purchase 1 time(s)


Milestone Reward
Floors Cleared
2 100点强化经验零件 | 100 Enhancement XP Component ×5
5 传奇通用英雄碎片 | Mythic General Hero Shard ×10
10 英雄装备幸运宝箱 | Lucky Hero Gear Chest ×20
15 传奇通用英雄碎片 | Mythic General Hero Shard ×20
20 100点强化经验零件 | 100 Enhancement XP Component ×100
25 传说英雄装备自选箱 | Custom Mythic Hero Gear Chest ×1
30 专精能源石 | Essence Stones ×50
35 英雄装备幸运宝箱 | Lucky Hero Gear Chest ×60
40 100点强化经验零件 | 100 Enhancement XP Component ×100
45 传奇通用英雄碎片 | Mythic General Hero Shard ×20
50 传说英雄装备自选箱 | Custom Mythic Hero Gear Chest ×1
55 专精能源石 | Essence Stones ×50
60 英雄装备幸运宝箱 | Lucky Hero Gear Chest ×60
65 100点强化经验零件 | 100 Enhancement XP Component ×100
70 传奇通用英雄碎片 | Mythic General Hero Shard ×20
75 传说英雄装备自选箱 | Custom Mythic Hero Gear Chest ×1
80 专精能源石 | Essence Stones ×50
85 英雄装备幸运宝箱 | Lucky Hero Gear Chest ×60
90 100点强化经验零件 | 100 Enhancement XP Component ×100
95 传奇通用英雄碎片 | Mythic General Hero Shard ×20
100 传说英雄装备自选箱 | Custom Mythic Hero Gear Chest ×1

寒霜启示录 | Whiteout Survival 2024-05-28 17:18:46 通过 网页 浏览(259)


