资源和其他 | Resources & Other
Whiteout Survival Resources & Other
火晶 | Fire Crystal | |
有生命的神秘晶体,蕴藏着难以想象的强大能量。 It is a mysterious crystal that is alive and contains unimaginably strong power. |
移民授权书 | Transfer Pass | |
雪原上各王国公认的授权凭证,持有的领主可在特定时间内移民前往其他王国发展。(王国移民活动开启后方可使用) A universally recognized pass across all states. Use it within event period to transfer to other states! (Usable during State Transfer) |
高级迁城 | Advanced Teleporter | |
将您的城镇迁到王国中的指定位置 Transport your City to a designated location elsewhere within the State. |
领地迁城 | Territory Teleporter | |
将您的城镇迁至较高级联盟总部附近的联盟领地内,当联盟领地还有空地时才可使用。 Teleports your City near a higher-level Alliance HQ within Alliance Territory. |
联盟迁城 | Alliance Teleporter | |
将您的城镇迁到盟主附近 Teleports your City near your Alliance Leader. |
随机迁城 | Random Teleporter | |
将您的城镇随机迁城到王国内的其他位置 Teleports your City to another location in the State. |
黄金钥匙 | Gold Key | |
可在英雄大厅中进行一次史诗招募 Can be used to perform 1 Epic Recruitment. |
白银钥匙 | Platinum Key |
可在英雄大厅中进行一次高级招募 Can be used to perform 1 Advanced Recruitment. |
神秘徽章 | Mystery Badge | |
可用于神秘商店购买商品 Mystery Badge can be used for trading in the Mystery Shop. |
猎人皮袋 | Hunter Pouch | |
活动【吉娜的复仇】持续期间,击杀野兽可获得,打开可获得资源奖励。 Can be obtained by defeating beasts during the Gina's Revenge event. Use it to receive resources. |
爆炸箭头 | Explosive Arrowheads | |
有效的提高联盟【狩猎陷阱】等级,增加对【暴怒巨熊】造成的伤害。 Effectively Raises the Alliance's "Hunting Trap" level, causes more damage to "Raging Bear". |
领主体力 | Chief Stamina | |
使用后恢复10点领主体力 Use to restore 10 Chief Stamina. |
领主改名卡 | Chief Rename Card | |
可用于修改领主名称 Used to change your Chief's name |
忠诚军牌 | Loyalty Tag | |
可以抵扣1000点忠诚值用于募兵所募集士兵 Worth 1,000 Loyalty that can be used to enlist troops |
全服广播 | Server Megaphone | |
可用于发送全服广播消息 Launches a general server-wide broadcast. |
慷慨徽记 | Generosity Emblem | |
可在【慈惠市集】购买各种好东西 Used to purchase items at the [Generosity Bazaar]. |
雪怪的角 | Horn of the Cryptid | |
活动【吉娜的复仇】持续期间,击杀野兽可获得,使用可发现巨兽【失控的雪怪】。 Can be obtained by defeating beasts during the Gina's Revenge event. Use it to track down "Berserk Cryptid". |
资源自选箱 | Resource Supply Chest | |
使用后从生肉,木材,煤矿或者铁矿其中选择一种 Grants Meat, Wood, Coal, or Iron resources |
资源补给箱 | Custom Resource Chest | |
使用随机获得生肉,木材,煤矿或铁矿其中之一 Grants your choice of Meat, Wood, Coal or Iron. |
VIP经验 | VIP XP | |
使用后可获得VIP经验。 Gives VIP XP |
寒霜启示录 | Whiteout Survival 2024-05-30 10:05:29 通过 网页 浏览(249)